Happy Blue Year

Based on the title, some of you – maybe as many as half of you – are incorrectly assuming this is a politically based piece. Coming off a very exhausting, contentious and important election year, I can see why you would think this. (Hint: Blue v Red) Another possibility is one that denotes a feeling or mood, the blues. Let’s lean that way.
It’s the new year. As a coach and more importantly, a spiritual man, I’m the guy who is supposed to be peppy, and to some extent, pepping up everyone else for a whole new year. For some reason though, I’m sans pep. Pep-less you might say. That’s not happened to me in quite some time. What is going on here? Anyone else with me on this?
This time of year is for blogs heavy on motivational musings, ideas and prognostications. The time for bullish talk about money, career, health and love is here! And yet, in the immortal words from the cult classic The Sandlot: “has ‘The Jet’ lost a step or two lately”?
Some of you know my family is currently displaced from the hurricanes. We remain in exile and after living with my 89-year-old Mom the last three-plus months, much has been discovered.
- First, I don’t think you need to save photographs of people no one can identify.
- While rugs and wedding dresses can have an infinite life, carpets do not.
- There are reasons, many for our own health and welfare, that there are food expiration dates printed right there on the packaging.
- Hardcover books are valuable and cannot be donated. Who knew?
- Working headlights on cars are important. At least one should work at all times.
- Hearing aids are amazing and not overrated. Embrace them.
- One should have their own Rx for eyeware. Prescriptions are not transferable.
- Bats are amazing important contributors and extremely destructive squatters at the same time.
- The ubiquitous “They” are an authoritarian knowledge base that governs basically everyone and everything. Ie., “they say panthers are in the neighborhood.”
- The term “old people” refers to all others who are old. No matter how old you are.
And here is what I know now after reading back through the above list of absolutes:
- Each day is a gift from God. I thank him for it daily.
- Family is next. Who’s always got your back? (Honor your father and mother btw.)
- Investing in you never ends. (See: French lessons) Don’t forget about you.
- Charity does begin at home. And it’s contagious.
- Quality friends are few and forever. Choose wisely.
Isn’t it interesting that there are half as many real learning moments versus snarky complaints or observations? Twice as much negative energy to find out what’s really important at any given moment, regardless of when in the year it’s happening to you. Makes me realize I want to renegotiate my earlier premise as I began writing today; gratitude, humility and love are the true resolutions for a new and even a slightly used year. I say if you don’t have those three things then go get some. And, no, I’m not changing the title to this blog — my favorite color is blue.
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