New World #Perspectives


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” 

Charles Dickens seems like the futurist of his time (and ours!) given where we are today.  Connecting with my clients over these last several days has raised my antennae to some wonderful opportunities and perspectives for all of us – in business, and in life.  Read on and vive l’evolution!!


This is the lynchpin to all connections and conversations going forward.  Be in service to others! I would like to see the idea of helping each other evolve into focusing on and using serve.  Here is a short video to provide additional perspective on this movement.


I’ve heard this mentioned a lot lately and I have to wonder if people really know what it is and how to engage it in its most authentic form.  Empathy is about focusing on the other’s agenda completely. Will you have the #curiosity to explore? For those who want a yeoman’s definition of empathy: it’s taking a walk in another (wo)man’s shoes. And for the record; it’s not about agreeing with the other as much as it is just understanding where they come from on any given perspective.  


Yes!  The challenge here again is entering an engagement with someone and not having your agenda lead the way. Judgement rolls up and its business as usual – you are now like every other vendor out there.  If you want to engage your empathetic self, curiosity is the gear shift. Be aware of who you’re being curious for too; if it’s for you, chances are your agenda is getting in the way of connecting in service of the other.


People are yearning for this!  They are isolated and want some way to triangulate all of the thoughts that are raging inside them.  You can be their next window to the outside. This doesn’t mean #slack, texting and emailing. While those communications are important, real time is the differentiator.  Video conferencing and the ubiquitous phone. Get on it.


As Dr. Judith Glaser, founder of Conversational Intelligence said so eloquently; “It all starts and ends with conversation.” (See: Connection)  Clients, prospects, co-workers, neighbors, friends and family are looking for leaders. It doesn’t need to be about selling stuff, or whipping people into a frenzy about silly shortages of goods that have no bearing on our survival.  It could be something as simple as wanting to connect with others about how they are leaning into this once in a lifetime event. That can be the CTA! Promote these connections! This is a creative reason to work together. And it costs … nothing!!!!


Could someone’s request — as unreasonable as it may sound — actually be a projection of their most personal fears?  When they want a refund, a reduction, or a shift in the agreement, this is the perfect time to be curious, to engage empathetically!  It may be that they think this is what’s necessary because it’s what’s front of mind at the (their) personal level. Playing in security mode instead of growth mode is instinctual.  We are prisoners of ancient wiring, wiring that is critical to our survival and plays a necessary role in how we get to continue playing the game of life.  

If we open ourselves up to a servant role then the opportunity to shift to a more trusting space becomes available.  Once we reach that moment of trust (our cue), co-creation becomes a reality. Moving forward becomes the response. Doing it together becomes the reward!  

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