On Friendship In The Workplace

Halo Hippo (2)

Proverbs 18:24


“There are friends who pretend to be friends, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”


Do you have friends in your workplace? I’m not talking about lunch buddies and cube farm chat pals. Do you have a loyal friend where you work or within the market or sector that you maintain your professional brand? Just one is all you need. This is about loyalty. Find real friends wherever you go to work. This is a very important decision since you get to choose them.  With family, the decision is made for you. With friends, it’s on you to make good, solid choices. Be careful, intentional, seek those who exhibit a willingness to connect beyond the superficial niceties or coexisting within the eight hour workday. Work isn’t just about performance and obligation, it’s also about community. Start yours today.

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