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Episode 61: Your Game Or Mine?

Hey sales leader? Are you coaching your team to greatness or to your specific desired outcome? What? What did you…

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Episode 60: Happy Ears Are Not For Hippos

Have you heard this term before? “Happy Ears”. For those who need a refresher, Happy Ears is an affliction that affects lots of people. For sales professionals it can be more than just an occasional condition, like a rash. It can be contagious and deadly.

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Episode 59: Patience, My Hippo

When do we give ourselves and the world a chance to move forward just a bit and see a different…

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Episode 58: Who’s Got Talent?

Leaders seeing the “great ones”. My take on what dinner looks like…

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Episode 57: Hold My Beer

Sales leaders: when you are on a “buddy call” with one of your team, what’s your purpose for being there?

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Episode 56: Thank You And Next Steps

Subject lines are THE most valuable real estate in an email yet we continue to squander this “waterfront” property, turning…

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Episode 55: Field Of Dreams

If you build it, they will come…sound familiar? Especially at the turn of the year, we permit ourselves to dream….

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Episode 54: Mind Your Own Business

You see, owning your own business is about freedom. And, the closest thing to owning a business without owning it…

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Episode 53: Convertition

I was in a conversation with friends recently and found myself exhausted. I know, it’s a conundrum.

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Episode 52: Tips And Tricks Are For Kids

What are you trying to accomplish by asking others for the answers? And when you get them, what do you…

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Episode 51: Speeding Wrecks Your Day

Speeding can be a very annoying and dangerous way to travel through the day. And not just behind the wheel.

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Episode 50: The Jobpreneur

You know stuff! You’ve become an expert at where you are at this moment. So, invent your next role! Here’s…

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