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Where you learn to change the way you connect to yourself and others in your world.

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Personal and professional growth is for the learner in us all

When we experience a time of dissatisfaction in our lives we are at a crossroads:  “Do I move forward, or, stay in place (think jogging in place because it still takes energy to not move forward!).  Like all journeys, learning kicks in and we choose resources that resonate with our present thoughts, ideas, feelings. You might be experiencing this right now, and that perspective brought you here...

We created The Hippo Campus for you, the shifting and growing individual. Through my video series; Hippodrome TV, my blogs (writing is still where my heart lies strongest) and podcasts, connect in to triangulate information and see what resonates with you and what you want for yourself.  

There are a lot of ways to get information today, convert it into knowledge and create a destiny to take us forward.  The Hippo Campus is your personal growth GPS, ready to take you forward. I can’t promise you change, that’s for you to decide. I can promise that what lies ahead is thought provoking.

Wherever you are on your journey, self-actualization, personal and professional growth is for the learner in us all.

Theater for personal and professional growth

Hippodrome TV

These short videos are all about conversation, communication and connection.  As one of my mentors; the late Dr. Judith Glaser stated: “Everything begins with conversation!”  Conversation is just one form of connection with another person or idea. Through these videos, I’m here to serve your desire to want more for yourself even in just the smallest of bites.

Episode 61: Your Game Or Mine?

Hey sales leader? Are you coaching your team to greatness or to your specific desired outcome? What? What did you…

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If you have a desire for growth then click in and enjoy each episode for that opportunity and learn:

  • how small shifts in the language we use can invite others into ideas and perspectives instead of forcing them to be skeptical or just plain resist.
  • The role that our brain plays in everything we do: we know it as neuroscience.
  • Awarenesses and challenges on shifts in our behavior - creating new habits.
  • That life comes before work in the dictionary and we should be practicing it in that same order.
  • To “be” and not just “do” to move yourself forward.

Episode 61: Your Game Or Mine?

Hey sales leader? Are you coaching your team to greatness or to your specific desired outcome? What? What did you…

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Episode 60: Happy Ears Are Not For Hippos

Have you heard this term before? “Happy Ears”. For those who need a refresher, Happy Ears is an affliction that affects lots of people. For sales professionals it can be more than just an occasional condition, like a rash. It can be contagious and deadly.

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Episode 59: Patience, My Hippo

When do we give ourselves and the world a chance to move forward just a bit and see a different…

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Free Resources

coachee reading list


The Nine

Recommendations for books and other resources in nine areas:
mindset, habits, values, upper limits, judgment, selfishness, language, presence and confidence.

Hippopotamus - Hippopotamus amphibius (30 years) in front of a white background.

FREE Download

Success Checklist

Set your mind for success and be amazed at what shows up in your life.

Wake up and envision what you want your day to do for you with 9 simple questions to set your mind for success.

Independence Day v Groundhog Day

During the recent Independence Day celebrations that were all around us, the word or value ...

Preppers: A Success Story

“I’ve got a big call this morning.  Really big.  The biggest.  Let’s all get on ...

Play Like You’re In The Masters, Or Maybe Not?

The Masters Golf Tournament is happening as I write to you dear hippos. For the ...

Did I Say The God Part Out Loud?

“First I want to thank God for giving me this platform and putting so many ...

Active Replying

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent ...

The Nine New Year’s Hippo-lutions for 2024

For years I’ve resisted this exercise, and now based on some things I’ve experienced and ...
Albert Einstein writing on a blackboard in Pasadena (1931)

Finding Einstein

Einstein once said “I don't need to know everything, I just need to know where ...

Where Is William Wallace When You Need Him?

To set the stage, let’s think back to William Wallace (or as we know him: ...

Curious Joe

Green Day. Linkin Park. Black Eyed Peas. Red Hot Chili Peppers. Miley Cyrus. Eminem. And ...

You Want to Lead, Now What?

You want to be a manager!  They want to promote you! Now what? Being a ...

Tyrants And Saints

CS Lewis once wrote: “How monotonously alike all the great tyrants and conquerors have been; ...

So You Want To Be Guardian Of The Galaxy

I live in Florida – home of the door-to-door sales professional.  On any given day, ...