Posts by sphippo
Episode 14: Tono De Voci
If listening is your conversational superpower, then the tone of your voice is the delivery system for it. Your magic ring. It’s what sets the intensity of this superpower. At some point in a conversation, you will speak! Now what???
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Casting no aspersions on our friends down under; popular retorts to Thank You starting with no worries, or no problem, you’re good and many many more… Wait! What? Responding to the classic response with any of these variations says that normally there is a problem with an interaction like this except for now. NO! Check…
Read MoreEpisode 12: Call ‘Em Like You See ‘Em
We’ve talked about curiosity as an important part of the power of connection with each other. Ok, so let’s add a little spice! Enter intuition. This little gem is defined as a keen and quick insight. Also direct perception of the truth. I say it’s listening to your gut.
Read MoreEpisode 11: Practice Makes Perfect!
This stuff, improving our communication, utilizing EQ, C-IQ, Empathetic listening, etc, takes PRACTICE! Remember the Amygdala? Your ancient brain? That’s the part of the brain that protects us, its ancient wiring that says “don’t get eaten!”. Well, it still has a job today and if we set it off with our counterpoint for even the…
Read MoreEpisode 10: Shush! Silence Can Be Your Best Way To Learn More
Just shut up! Some call it ‘active listening’, I’ve heard recently the term ‘Dynamic Listening’, and there are others. I say just be quiet and let your first question land…and be surprised where this takes you!
Read MoreEpisode 9: To Serve Is Not About Helping…
I’m starting a movement about serving your client instead of helping them. This is a shift from what our lexicon has tattooed on our brain and this episode sets the tone for transformation. #coaching #conversation #communication #connection #salesprofessionals #professionaldevelopment #personaldevelopment #experiencecoaching #vlogging
Read MoreEpisode 8: Be Patient When Listening!
There’s a lot of chatter out there in salons of professional development about listening. This episode provides some very simple rules on how to give your conversational partner an opportunity to be an active participant in your conversation.
Read MoreEpisode 7: The Toaster Cozy
Comedic legend Phil Hartman’s iconic character “The Anal Retentive Chef” was the host of a cooking show that never actually completed one recipe. It was a true metaphor for the internal battle many of us fight – giving ourselves permission to move forward (and maybe failing along the way?)
Read MoreEpisode 6: To Be Honest with You
As the title states: “To be honest with you”. Really? This episode relates to a real-life experience I had that helped me realize just how problematic saying this can be.
Read MoreEpisode 5: Why
When I began my journey to become a certified coach, my instructors limited my use of any question that began with “Why?”. You might be asking “why?”! Check out this episode to find out…why.
Read MoreLet’s Do The Time Warp Again – challenges in the competition of conversation
I just spent an entire weekend with a group of men who all have two connections: 1) we are all fellow college alumni. 2) we all worked on staff at a particular dorm between the years 1980-1986. We are the Lynch (Hall) Mob. On the flight home, I came across a quote that reminded me…
Read MoreEpisode 4: Curiosity And The Judge
There’s a lot of talk about being curious right now. “Amp up your curiosity!”, “Ask good questions, be curious!”, “If you really want to learn about the other person, just be curious!”. And a host of other variations ensue… It’s not enough to just ask questions, there’s more to the equation and this episode shows…
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