Pope Francis said recently that gossiping is a “plague worse than COVID.” It divides us, he said. “Please brothers and sisters, let’s try to not gossip,” said the Pope. “Gossip is a plague worse than COVID. Worse. Let’s make a big effort: No gossiping!” For clarity purposes, this blog accepts the definition of gossip as talking about another person(s) when they’re not “in the room” with you. This includes virtual rooms such as on phones, video platforms and social media exchanges. I was once challenged during a management development course to not gossip for an entire week. A WEEK! Yikes. …
Read MoreAs the first presidential debate of 2020 disappears into our rear view mirror, I can’t resist an opportunity to newsjack, bringing you perspective regarding communication exchanges that happen between human beings. The question is: Debate or Conversation? Debate is about stating and defending ideas, positions, and opinions while conversation is about an exploration of these same things. Both have a place in communication and both are critical in maintaining connection. Which do you tend to lean into when communicating? Debaters tend to be seen as argumentative. They can also be seen as passionate about their beliefs and values. Conversationalists are…
Read MoreYes! Another blog yet about change! I just typed in “articles about change” and came back with 3,540,000,000 in .45 seconds. Add in my measly 9 (now 10) blogs on this subject in some form or another and you’ve got tons of opportunities to explore the ideas, and take actions that create change. Especially when change is created for you! This one is specifically about MOVING (and ultimately moving forward). I have clients in transition who are thinking about moving to new places. I see many, many people making appeals via #socialmedia that state they are “willing to move to…
Read More“I would LOVE to connect with you and discuss possibly having you appear on my new prime time TV show that features faith-based entrepreneurs on the [Redacted] Network. Please connect with me and send me a message if you want me to send you more details.” I received that flattering message last Monday. Now, in all candor, I’m not a faith-based company. I have my faith, and it is not part of my outward brand. So, with some thought, I responded: “Thanks for the gracious offer, and I want to be clear that I’m not a faith-based business so it…
Read MoreThe show was cancelled. Or was it? Well, the show that we were used to seeing was, and magically it was substituted with 1000 shows that were so inspiring, so creative, so organic, amazing, wondrous and…fun, that it taught a lesson: We human beings are the most creative creatures on the planet. I sat in a chair on the shore of a tiny lake, a pond really. A place I’ve sat many times over the years and a few times on one our nation’s most glorious and celebrated days: the Fourth of July. In previous years there were quiet moments,…
Read MoreThree blogs in draft mode have been circling the planet for the last two+ months. Have you seen them in the night sky? Those are my contributions to the clutter of the iCloud. Which one gets the nod? Which of them will have the greatest impact? Which one exhibits the most passion for the present moment? Answer: NONE. As I readied my keyboard to cross the finish line on one of those gems, I received the following from a client: “The value for me (in learning the Modern Sales Conversation) is that it allows me to sound different from every…
Read MoreQuestions are a prerequisite to learning. Questions are a window into creativity and insight. Questions motivate fresh thinking. Questions challenge outdated assumptions. Questions lead us to the future. So says Eric E. Vogt, Juanita Brown and David Isaacs in their paper on The Art of Powerful Questions. So my next question is: “Why are we so bad at it?” Powerful questions, sometimes referred to as transformational questions, are the Cadillac of questions. They elicit the greatest and most thoughtful answers and truly provide for fresh opportunities to learn about each other. And that can be really, really uncomfortable in polite…
Read MoreIt was an Australian surfing blog that brought us here. And, while I’m trying desperately to figure out just how this unbelievable video happened, I’m just going to resign myself that it did. If you haven’t seen this story, it’s one for nature’s ages; a seal is hoisted up out of the water by a great white shark who is unable to actually grab hold of it. The seal rides the shark out of the water like an attraction at Six Flags and then launches himself back in the water to apparent safety, or was it? The next moments are…
Read More“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Charles Dickens seems like the futurist of his time (and ours!) given where we are today. Connecting with my clients over these last several days has raised my antennae to some wonderful opportunities and perspectives for all of us –…
Read MoreThis month’s blog was inspired by my recent reconnection with the holy season of Lent. WAIT! Don’t run away yet! While I promise to keep my Catholic roots to a limit, there is a connection here so if you’re brave enough, stick around. For many of you – Christians obviously, and others who leverage Fat Tuesday as an opportunity to (Blank) Gone Wild, February 26 was Ash Wednesday. The beginning of Lent. Now, to be fair, I haven’t observed this day or Lent in around 20 years, a point I will take up with my mom in private. Inspired to…
Read MoreBe big. Be cool. Be hippo.
Ready to get started?