Abundance! How much of a good thing do we need? As adults we spend present moments looking for how we can get more out of something when what we’ve accomplished is pretty damn cool. There is gold in our moments. What speaks to us during them and how we cash in on them right then and there, not looking forward to make them better, faster, stronger? (And, who doesn’t secretly want to wear a mermaid tail? Don’t miss the blooper!
Read MorePlain and simple, are we acknowledging when we are being and doing things, taking actions, “having fun”, that it’s just a way of expressing ourselves? And, what have we given up because we weren’t “awesome” at something in exchange for that authentic expression? Many times when we do have an activity we believe is authentic expression, we tend to make work out of it. The thing that we supposedly enjoy is only enjoyable when we score well, achieve a personal record, create the perfect art, write the unforgettable story. The miss on what’s authentically wonderful about us is hijacked by…
Read MoreDo you need more nothing moments? Take a moment to relax and enjoy what’s going on around you. A moment in time can truly be unplanned and one that you can be in total control. A nothing moment is something special. Treat it as a gift. A complete return to presence. Relax and enjoy. We all deserve it. How can we use these moments to our benefit, and more importantly, how can we enjoy them without overthinking them? Take a moment to relax and enjoy what’s going on around you. Click To Tweet
Read MoreDuring this coaches corner, Beau and I are discussing the Happiness Spending Threshold – What does it mean for you to live within your means, and what does it mean to live a life that lights you up within those means? DISCUSSION TOPICS The Happiness Spending Threshold What does living within your means mean to you? How do you live a fulfilled life within your means? Why you need a liquidity plan An exercise to do with your partner 3 things to consider after this episode
Read MoreKathryn jumps out in front on this episode, motivated to coach us on her morning routine. Among the gems here is that a good morning can be set up the night before! How our day starts can totally set us up for an amazing experience full of excitement and new things to experience, or, one of scarcity, anxiety and lacking the ease and flow that we as human beings need to be our creative best. Things like how to shed things that can interrupt our very intentional start, changing our currency, and what the hell is an Evidence Success Log?…
Read MoreIn this episode, Beau and I talk about the Essentialist philosophy. This is an idea that comes from the bestselling book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, written by friend of the show Greg McKeown. Essentialism rejects the idea that “we can have it all,” instead suggesting that we should focus on “the pursuit of ‘the right thing, in the right way, at the right time.’” It may seem like a common sense philosophy – to focus only on what you value most, saying no to everything else – but it’s not common practice. DISCUSSION TOPICS What essentialism is. The…
Read MoreEveryone has a life strategy – even if it’s doing nothing. But do you have a life and retirement strategy that lights you up, excites you, and that you feel really good about? In this episode, Beau and I discuss why we think designing a life strategy is so important, and how you can go about designing yours. DISCUSSION TOPICS Why two most valuable assets for retirement. The most valuable “currencies” that we should be spending in retirement. How to design your life strategy.
Read MoreIf you want something from someone else, or more importantly, from yourself, then you have to actually ask for it. Otherwise you can’t move forward. What would it be like for you to ask someone significant in your life exactly what you want from them? Spouse, partner, parent, child, client, prospect, friend, neighbor. Ask them! And when you ask them, is it to persuade them, or to serve them? Come and listen to the different perspectives on this simple and brilliant axiom inspired from the mouth of a five year old. In the end, it’s about giving yourself permission…
Read MoreIn this episode, we get curious about what magic you’re sitting on. The world deserves more of you! What are you willing to do to move past your fears and get out there and share your magic? What are you willing to say yes to? (And what are you willing to say NO to?) And, whatever you’re good at, get out there and do it three times today. Come join us and find your special take away that will help you get out there. The world is waiting and everybody is looking for more of you, the true, authentic YOU.…
Read MoreBe big. Be cool. Be hippo.
Ready to get started?