In this episode, Beau and I talk about the importance of building a Retirement Dream Team. You deserve a team that supports you and your definition of a RichLife retirement, which may include financial planners, lawyers, accountants, personal trainers, or even life coaches. We’re moving from the old passive model of retirement planning (which needs to change) to a very proactive model that puts you at the steering wheel of your life. DISCUSSION TOPICS The ONE thing you need to do when building a team: establishing a foundation of trust. How you can tell if a service professional is receptive…
Read MoreWhile riding in a Lyft on my return from a two-day client engagement, my driver, who was a bit of an extrovert, shared a recap of a very recent trip to the hospital due to an injury. Though it was late, in light of my 2018 intention to listen and be curious, I began to engage and share healthcare perspectives. When he talked about how it can be hard to say no to a doctor, it was time to land a powerful question: “What makes it so hard to say no?” He was very clear in his response: “He’s a…
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss how to quiet the mental chatter in your mind that can keep you from taking the action steps you need to move forward and to move into ease and flow. What are the practical strategies that you can use to decipher what’s coming from your true self versus what may be coming from the voice in your mind we call the gremlin or the saboteur? Choose to ditch the struggle and the back and forth debate in your mind over even the simplest of decisions. Decide to trust yourself. Take a moment today, using these…
Read MoreIn this episode, Joe and Beau discuss the seven best retirement resolutions for 2018. The New Retirement is about living a life that lights you up, and a big part of that is continuing to grow as a person (as opposed to waiting, reacting, and stagnating). By committing to these resolutions, we believe that you’ll not only grow, but also find more fulfillment and have more fun along the journey.
Read MoreIn this episode, Joe joins Beau to go over the concepts and vocabulary that you need to know when planning for a successful retirement, and that we will use in this show going forward. The foundational language of coaching and finance is introduced as it applies to a successful retirement.
Read MoreIn our first episode, we are excited to introduce our concept of bringing adults back to the simplicity of life from the voice of a child via a conversation about everyday life, intention setting and coaching. What would it be like if were more intentional about your life? What simple truths have you forgotten? What does it take to make your daily present self wonderful? We, as human beings, either live in a past that is no longer ours or spend time trying to predict a future that may or may not ever happen. Let’s change the way we play…
Read MoreI first met Beau Henderson at a CTI Fundamentals seminar. We were both interested in changing the conversation that occurs in the financial world and immediately hit it off. Recently Beau and I reconnected and discussed bringing a coaching perspective to his idea for a new podcast called The Retirement Resource. Beau is certified in a variety of financial disciplines and wanted a certified coach to bring our ideas together projecting both credibility and trust. In this episode we are really experimenting with the live platform and a variety of concepts. From this pilot we were able to create the…
Read MoreReady for a recap on this year’s journey? I know, you have only been privy to about 250 of these in the last week. What’s original about mine you ask? Let’s be curious together and find out. As I write this, I have no idea where it’s going to go… 2017 has been a very interesting ride. When I began exploring coaching in 2016, it was connected to my job and the hope and dream I had that we could change the conversation within the financial marketplace. Though I started as a reluctant participant in the learning process that Coaches…
Read MoreAs David Byrne once said: “Well, how did I get here?” In this case, my blog route came via my life insurance company and their client care correspondence best described as “it’s your fault and you should be lucky you have us to tell you so.” Well, not in exactly those words, but pretty close, as my life insurance provider managed to scold me for improperly listing my account number (the last digit of my nine digit account number was off by 3) and then letting me know that “as a courtesy, we applied your payment to the correct policy.”…
Read MoreBe big. Be cool. Be hippo.
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