Posts by sphippo
Happy Blue Year
Based on the title, some of you – maybe as many as half of you – are incorrectly assuming this is a politically based piece. Coming off a very exhausting, contentious and important election year, I can see why you would think this. (Hint: Blue v Red) Another possibility is one that denotes a feeling or mood, the blues. Let’s lean that way.
Read MoreMan’s Search For Meaning
Few books in recent decades have had the continuing impact of Dr. Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning — the classic bestseller now considered to be one of the most important contributions to psychiatry since the writing of Freud.. A profound revelation born out of Dr. Frankl’s years as a prisoner in Auschwitz and other…
Read MoreHoly Bible – The Great Adventure Catholic Bible
After spending an entire life as a cradle Catholic, I managed among other things, to avoid reading the bible until 2023. What an amazing experience! We need to stop trying to solve the world’s problems with man’s ideas. Here is the operator’s manual to get you started. I would also recommend the Bible in a…
Read MoreBe All That You Can Be…And Chocolate
I was in the supermarket today and saw an amazing feat of work ethic. It happened within maybe a minute or so, and I immediately wanted to share it with you. Why? Because it was inspiring, thought provoking and made me want to come home and go back into the office…on a beautiful Friday afternoon!…
Read MoreEpisode 29: Hire An Einstein
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” Says the one-time smartest guy in the room (or world), Albert Einstein. Einstein also said; “It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” So why aren’t we hiring this guy?
Read MoreEpisode 19: Make This Call Different
What two questions can you ask in any cold call that can provide insight into where you can be better, more relevant for your counterpoint, and show you where all other sales professionals gaps are when it comes to one of the foundational skills in selling.
Read MoreEpisode 18: To Be More Relevant
If 58% of prospects say they find cold call’s useless, and 63% of sales professionals say cold calls are the most annoying part of their job, why is it no surprise that cold calls are perceived the way they are?
Read MoreThe Power Of Habit: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less
This book changed my life, literally. The power to only do what makes sense, to be able to say no to things and people and not feel guilty about it. (You know you want to do this!) In Essentialism, McKeown draws on experience and insight from working with the leaders of the most innovative companies…
Read MoreMindset: So Good They Can’t Ignore You. Why Skills Trump Passion In The Quest For Work You Love
You may be wondering why this book is listed under Mindset. Simply put, there’s been so much talk about doing what you love and you will never work another day in your life and finding your passion. Well, I love speaking French and that doesn’t mean I will translate for the United Nations unless I…
Read MoreEpisode 17: It’s MicroMan(ager)!
This one is inspired by an audience member of a recent talk I gave concerning the modern sales conversation. His question: “How do I deal with a micromanager who’s always looking over my shoulder even when things are going well?” Ok, put away the felonius thoughts here. I’ve got a better idea…
Read MoreEpisode 16: But I Don’t Speak Your Language
Clients have actually said to me and their leaders, I see the value in the way Joe talks, and I just don’t talk that way! And my response to you, dear emerging sales professional is… You don’t talk that way right now!
Read MoreEpisode 15: Sales Professional Seeks Like Minded Partner To Share Ideas…
So many times I see sales professionals seeking information for your benefit instead of seeking to understand your counterpoint. You ask good questions that solicit a lot of information and maybe some emotion too. And even create direction. A direction that you’ve manipulated for your personal benefit. This episode brings light to a different mindset…
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