My antennae are always up for a conversation. Eavesdropping Joe? Well, yes, call it an occupational (hap)hazard. I can’t say I’m incessant with this trait, so it seems to be more prevalent when it’s big. Case in point, I’m finishing a run in a major NE city recently and have met at a coffee shop with family and friends who are already tabled up and having iced coffees and other good stuff. At another table on the patio, two dudes are sitting across from each other. I grab a seat on the steps to basically avoid sweating on others and…
Read MoreAs adults, how attached are we to the outcome instead of the task, the being and/or doing at hand? Must everything we do be BIG? And important? And life changing? In this episode we explore the perspective of what you do and who you are and how they can be just that. And that is not just ok, it’s wonderful because we generate these moments and they don’t need to be anything else to be great for us.
Read MoreLife is amazing…because of all the friendly people! So says our kid guest. It’s not about all of the stuff we’ve acquired, its more about the relationships and experiences that we’ve created for ourselves and others. Where are the rich moments? Where do they exist within our individual timelines? And, what about the idea of clearing out the stuff that doesn’t represent these experiences and relationships? Tangible and intangible items ready for “resale and donation” to others. Think through that one when you tune into this episode.
Read More“To get better every day through great foot control!” Listen in to this episode to get the genius of this perspective. Experts say 10,000 hours of doing something builds mastery and creates the opportunity for “one-ness” with your passions. Presence is critical to making practice that much better and more purposeful. Practice is also about having a vision of where you want to go with that special something. It brings order. When you practice, be associated, be present. Let’s get those headphones off and find out what it means to really be in it with yourself when practicing the things…
Read MoreWe dream about something different for ourselves and still trudge along with the same old song and dance day in and day out. The opportunity to do the next thing is available to us right now, and the risk lies only in getting out there and saying ‘Yes!’ to it. And guess what? Your next thing doesn’t have to be a moonshot! And it can be just as wonderful as one! Check out the challenge on this one too. We dare you to be different.
Read MoreChange Your Pronoun, Change The Perspective. OK, I’m at a crossroads as I write this blog, mainly because it starts out with “I.” “I want to tell you something…” is another good start, as it has both I (me) and you (you) and I’m telling you stuff. But where’s the co-creation in this? So, let’s venture forward together and see what we can do about this idea of the pronoun. And have some fun along the way. What’s this all about? It started with a rule that was laid down by a favorite English professor in college: when writing any…
Read MoreThe beauty of this episode lies in the simplicity of engaging in high and low emotions and yet, still moving forward with whatever one sets out to do: in this case, the idea of going to the moon! Learn about specific parts of how you are built, how to recognize them when meeting your life head-on, and what simple steps you can take to thoroughly be in these moments, whether they are dark or light, winning or losing, it’s happening to you! (…and a little bit of neuroscience too…)
Read MoreThemes of Energy and Commitment emerge in this episode. We create a hierarchy of filters as we move through life that give us the boundaries that guide us and keep us safe and hopefully successful. These buffers and layers of life can impede our freedom though. How do we get back to that unadulterated time of pure joy? What is our opportunity as adults to live a less filtered life? Come find the joy in where you are at any given moment. And stick around for the blooper on this one. Laugh tracks were real and no animals were harmed!
Read MoreWe all like to believe we are original thinkers and I’m no different. On the recent return from facilitating professional development with a talented group of career sales types, I was motivated to tackle this subject: Professional and personal growth. As I began writing, I noticed that, over the last several days, a few in my network had also tackled this subject in varying degrees and talk tracks…so I must be right! And the idea is this: you are your own magic beans. Remember the storytime favorite: Jack and the Beanstalk? Our illustrious hero, Jack, of Beanstalk fame, created an…
Read MoreWhy can’t we have a carnival in our life everyday? Well you can — it’s about the perspective you are in at any given time and how you can celebrate it. Especially if you don’t get hung up on the “perfect” setting for that one thing you want for yourself. And it doesn’t have to have super “wow! Factor” to be a cool thing to do with your life at a particular moment. Whether it’s how you are being or what you are doing, ordinary life moments deserve your appreciation. What can you appreciate right now? Takeaways and challenges in…
Read MoreBe big. Be cool. Be hippo.
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