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Episode 17: It’s MicroMan(ager)!

This one is inspired by an audience member of a recent talk I gave concerning the modern sales conversation. His…

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Episode 16: But I Don’t Speak Your Language

Clients have actually said to me and their leaders, I see the value in the way Joe talks, and I…

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Episode 15: Sales Professional Seeks Like Minded Partner To Share Ideas…

So many times I see sales professionals seeking information for your benefit instead of seeking to understand your counterpoint. You…

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Episode 14: Tono De Voci

If listening is your conversational superpower, then the tone of your voice is the delivery system for it. Your magic…

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Episode 13: You’re Welcome!

Casting no aspersions on our friends down under; popular retorts to Thank You starting with no worries, or no problem,…

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Episode 12: Call ‘Em Like You See ‘Em

We’ve talked about curiosity as an important part of the power of connection with each other. Ok, so let’s add…

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Episode 11: Practice Makes Perfect!

This stuff, improving our communication, utilizing EQ, C-IQ, Empathetic listening, etc, takes PRACTICE! Remember the Amygdala? Your ancient brain? That’s…

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Episode 10: Shush! Silence Can Be Your Best Way To Learn More

Just shut up! Some call it ‘active listening’, I’ve heard recently the term ‘Dynamic Listening’, and there are others. I…

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Episode 9: To Serve Is Not About Helping…

I’m starting a movement about serving your client instead of helping them. This is a shift from what our lexicon…

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Episode 8: Be Patient When Listening!

There’s a lot of chatter out there in salons of professional development about listening. This episode provides some very simple…

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Episode 7: The Toaster Cozy

Comedic legend Phil Hartman’s iconic character “The Anal Retentive Chef” was the host of a cooking show that never actually…

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Episode 6: To Be Honest with You

As the title states: “To be honest with you”. Really? This episode relates to a real-life experience I had that…

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