
MyPharmaceutical.2019: #change is inevitable, so deal with it!

By Joe Schum / February 5, 2019 /
MyPharmaceutical.2019: #change is inevitable, so deal with it!

I started out the year on my first long-term pharmaceutical.  Yep. Now, I can hear my parents many rooms away, shouting at each other to “TAKE YOUR PILL!”  While I don’t have a pill organizer yet, it did present an interesting start to 2019. Every January we get to do it over, create a new version of ourselves and our lives. We can choose to move forward to that new/new, and we can choose to do nothing. Think about it; each new year many of us experience amazing degrees of change.  A new job. A new role in our current…

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What’s Here Now, Kid 2018 Season Wrap and Highlights Reel

By Joe Schum / December 12, 2018 /
What's Here Now, Kid? podcast

“Ready?!”, “Yup!!” And here it is, the highlights reel from 20 wonderful episodes has arrived just in time for the holidays!  What can we say, except thanks to all of you are listeners, subscribers, for your time, energy, consideration and of course, testimonials and just giving us direct feedback.  We appreciate you immensely. And most important, to our awesome What’s Here Now, Kids. We had a hunch they would show up and they did, giving us more material than we could hope for in 15 minutes or less.  We wish them a wonderful and fulfilled life and one that can…

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Have I Got A Deal For You! Well,…Maybe Not

By Joe Schum / November 30, 2018 /

Dear Mr. Schum:  Hey, I really need to talk with you about your (used) car.  I have an immediate need for it and you don’t even have to buy a new one from me.  I think you will be shocked at the price I am willing to pay for it!  Included is the name, title (big title) and phone number of a representative at a well-known manufacturer’s local dealership.   So, you ask, “What’s the problem?” I know, guy wants to buy my 10-year-old minivan for top dollar.  (We’ll address the minivan in another blog down the road OK?). There…

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Ep 020: Increase The Amount of Play In Your Life

By Joe Schum / October 30, 2018 /
What's Here Now, Kid? podcast

What does it mean to ‘Play”?  Does it have to be so complicated?  Life is here for us to explore! Expansion and learning are critical in moving us forward as human beings and yet we either ignore these opportunities for a shift or at minimum we only explore on the weekends!  WTH? We can move through challenging situations by asking the question “What if..?”, helping us visualize what the future can be as we come out the other side in a positive way, a successful way, no matter what.  Learn some simple little challenges and perspectives to find more ways…

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Ep 019: Finding Your Hidden Talents And Connecting To Them

By Joe Schum / October 16, 2018 /
What's Here Now, Kid? podcast

What happened if I woke up every morning and said I was going to be the greatest expression of me today? Exploring talent can most often happen by the simple acts of trying new things.  Breaking up our patterns of comfort and familiarity — stretching ourselves — to areas that open us to our level of genius.  What a great gift to actually find the hidden talents within us and more importantly, how that gift’s benefits can extend beyond us to those around us.  These new talents become new and great expressions of ourselves! In this episode, an awareness is…

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Rock You Like A Hurricane

By Joe Schum / October 10, 2018 /
Rock you like a hurricane

Did you know there was a hurricane recently?  Did you know another is now on its way? I think the only way you could  have possibly missed or are missing the coverage, is if, by chance, you were living on say, a raft in the South Pacific.  During these natural disasters*, I witness some serious group frenzy. We’ve all been there: smart, creative, people — with  emotions and feelings that help them make decisions every day — become focused on something entirely out of their control. So this story is about the similarities between watching people “watch” the hurricane and…

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Ep 018: Our Awareness w/ Technology: Staying Present and Making Good Choices

By Joe Schum / October 3, 2018 /
What's Here Now, Kid? podcast

Technology is something that we all discuss from time to time. How much of it has become a habit? And how much of it is really conscious choice? And when we are dialed into our devices we tend to lose an awareness of presence, what’s happening around us in anticipation of wanting be included in something or someone somewhere else. What are we giving up to be “elsewhere”? There is opportunity to make good choices around presence and the awareness of devices in our daily lives. It takes practice to maintain that present state with all that is available to…

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Ep 017: You’ve Only Just Begun: Feeling Overwhelmed? There Really Are Simple Fixes For It.

By Joe Schum / September 18, 2018 /
What's Here Now, Kid? podcast

This one begins with what really inspired us to start this podcast: that we take the wisdom of children and apply it to our overly complicated lives. Life can and should be lived one step at a time. We’ve talked about this before and we will continue to retread this tire, that the generous present moment is key to stress-free living. And hey, there’s an idea in here that you don’t have to necessarily plan for everything to live life to its fullest.

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Ep 016: Be Confident In Who You Are And What You Know

By Joe Schum / September 5, 2018 /
What's Here Now, Kid? podcast

From metaphysical to pragmatic, this episode is about what we know and how we believe in ourselves. Crazy, unfiltered ideas lead to usable perspectives for all of us.

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Table for Two

By Joe Schum / September 5, 2018 /
table for two

My antennae are always up for a conversation.  Eavesdropping Joe?  Well, yes, call it an occupational (hap)hazard.  I can’t say I’m incessant with this trait, so it seems to be more prevalent when it’s big.  Case in point, I’m finishing a run in a major NE city recently and have met at a coffee shop with family and friends who are already tabled up and having iced coffees and other good stuff. At another table on the patio, two dudes are sitting across from each other.  I grab a seat on the steps to basically avoid sweating on others and…

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